General Irrigation

The publications on this page provide background and information on water in the prairies, and the use of water in Saskatchewan–in the past and future.

Determinants of Summer Weather on Prairie Regions and Their Effect on Wheat (Grain) Yields  This presentation reviews the study on finding a method for predicting summer precipitation and temperature as related to grain yields for the Prairies. (Presented at the 2012 Irrigation Saskatchewan conference by Ray Garnett)

Stream Flows and Lake Levels The Saskatchewan Water Security Authority considers the stream flows and lake levels within the various water sheds of Saskatchewan.

From the Mountains to the Sea This web document seeks to explain the Saskatchewan River Basin with the hopes that decision makers can understand the impact of their decisions.

Climate Change on the Prairies This presentation reviews the history of climate on the prairies and how it has changed over the past few centuries. (Presented at the 2007 Irrigation Saskatchewan conference by Dave Sauchyn)

M1 Canal Rehabilitation This article provides an over of the M1 Canal rehabilitation work. (Scan of original article published in AgriView Volume 7, Issue 8, February 2012)